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  • Airplane of the Month November 2006

Airplane of the Month • November  2006

The Bargers Make a Contest Landing at Clinton


Jim & Lorri Barger's 1967 150G "Maggie Mae"
1967 Model: 150G Serial#: 15065355
823 of 2,666, 1967 150G's manufactured
7,354 of 21,404, 150's manufactured in the USA

My wife Lorri and I purchased this airplane in June, 2005.  She had 5,010 hours on the airframe and 360 on the engine when we brought her home.

Since then we have installed new carpet, new leather seats, headliner, and redone the plastic with new paint. That was just the start! We also installed a KMA 24 audio panel, KY 197 com, KNS 80 nav unit, Garmin 300XL, and a KA 206 indicator, and had her IFR approved. (Now just waiting on the pilot to get his IFR rating which will come soon!!)

We named the plane in memory of my dearly missed mother who passed away in 1991. Mom's nickname was Maggie Mae. She used to take us kids to the local airport to the annual fly-in and we would get rides for a penny a pound!  I have been hooked on flying ever since,  always looking towards the sky whenever  I hear the wonderful roar of an airplane engine.

When it came time to choose a name for our airplane there was simply no better tribute than to name her after my greatest hero, My MOM!!!!!

Jim Barger
Franklin, Indiana

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

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