Aircraft of the Quarter

When the Foundation acquired the club, we instituted the Aircraft of the Quarter program to spotlight interesting aircraft, and more important, the owners of those airplanes that were members of the Cessna 150-152 Club. In the three years we ran the program twelve airplanes and owners were highlighted on our website pages and were featured in the cover article in the corresponding issue of The Beacon, our quarterly newsletter. Since The Beacon is no longer published, the program has ended, but in these pages, we remember the twelve airplanes and their owners that we recognized as our Aircraft of the Quarter.

See the Aircraft of the Quarter Gallery.

Airplanes, Lots of Airplanes

Over the decades the Cessna 150-152 Club has published hundreds of newsletters and held over twenty fly-ins.  There are thousands of pictures and hundreds of stories from our club members.  This section is in addition to all of that and is our effort to preserve the stories of the airplanes that were judged and awarded "Airplane of The Month."   

Starting in September 2002 and for most of the months to follow through June 2007 there was an airplane of the month.  Each airplane has its story and a few photos so enjoy this part of our club history.

AIRPLANES of the Month for 2002 AIRPLANES of the Month for 2003 AIRPLANES of the Month for 2004

AIRPLANES of the Month for 2005 AIRPLANES of the Month for 2006

AIRPLANES of the Month for 2007

In a category of its own Airplanes converted to Taildraggers documented the Cessna 150s and 152s that had the tailwheel conversion. 

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

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